📢 Poseta kompaniji VITAMINKA u Prilepu, Severna Makedonija 🍏🔬

Tim za senzorsku analizu FINS-a je posetio kompaniju VITAMINKA u Prilepu, Republici Severnoj Makedoniji, što je bila izuzetna prilika da bliže upoznamo njihovo rukovodstvo, tim stručnjaka i proizvodne procese. Imali smo čast da obiđemo pogone i steknemo uvid u sprovođenje senzorske ocene unutar kompanije. Tom prilikom je postignut dogovor o nastavku saradnje.

Zahvaljujemo se domaćinima na gostoprimstvu, konstruktivnim razgovorima, razmeni iskustava i radujemo se nastavku saradnje. 💡✨

📢 Visit to VITAMINKA in Prilep, North Macedonia 🍏🔬

The sensory analysis team from FINS visited VITAMINKA in Prilep, the Republic of North Macedonia, which was an excellent opportunity to get to know their management, team of experts, and production processes more closely. We had the honor of touring the facilities and gaining insight into the implementation of sensory evaluation within the company. During this visit, an agreement was reached to continue our collaboration.

We sincerely thank our hosts for their hospitality, constructive discussions, and exchange of experiences, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation. 💡✨

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