📢 Saradnja nauke i privrede: Uspešna obuka iz senzorske analize u kompaniji Bambi!

Prošle nedelje, tim za senzorsku analizu FINS-a je u kompaniji Bambi uspešno organizovao obuku pod nazivom OSNOVE SENZORSKE NAUKE: Uvod u senzorsku analizu hrane, namenjenu za više od 30 zaposlenih.

Tokom obuke, učesnici su se upoznali sa osnovnim teorijskim i praktičnim aspektima senzorske analize hrane, uključujući testiranje čula i procenu njihove osetljivosti.

Ovaj događaj je odličan primer kako saradnja između nauke i privrede doprinosi razvoju znanja, unapređenju veština i stvaranju kvalitetnijih prehrambenih proizvoda.

Zahvaljujemo kompaniji Bambi na ukazanom poverenju i radujemo se budućim zajedničkim projektima između nauke i industrije!


📢 Collaboration between science and industry: Successful sensory analysis training at Bambi!

Last week, the sensory analysis team from FINS successfully organized a training session at Bambi titled BASICS OF SENSORY SCIENCE: Introduction to Sensory Analysis of Food, attended by over 30 employees.

During the training, participants had the opportunity to learn the fundamental theoretical and practical aspects of sensory analysis, including sensory testing and evaluating the sensitivity of their senses.

This event is an excellent example of how collaboration between science and industry contributes to knowledge development, skill enhancement, and the creation of higher-quality food products.

We thank Bambi for their trust and look forward to future joint projects between science and industry!

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