Poseta delegacije Nacionalne akademije nauke Belorusije

Delegacija Nacionalne akademije nauke Belorusije, posetila je u sredu , 24. maja 2023. godine, Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu, u cilju upoznavanja, sagledavanja mogućnosti za zajedničke aktivnosti i potpisivanja memoranduma o saradnji. Na dvočasovnom sastanku predstavnici Instituta za industriju mesa i mleka i Instituta za mikrobiologiju su predstavili svoje institucije, kao i oblasti istraživanja i razvoja kojima se bave, nakon čega su domaćini predstavili FINS i svoje oblasti istraživanja i razvoja. Posle sastanka, gosti su obišli laboratorije i pilot postrojenja Instituta.

The delegation from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus visited the Institute of Food Technology (FINS) on Wednesday, May 24th, in order to consider opportunities for joint activities and to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation. At the two-hour meeting, representatives of the Institute for the Meat and Dairy Industry and the Institute of Microbiology presented their institutions as well as the areas of research and development they deal with, after which the hosts presented FINS and their areas of research and development. After the meeting, the guests visited the laboratories and pilot plants of the Institute.



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