Poseta Međunarodnog savetodavnog odbora u okviru projekta SAIGE

U okviru projekta SAIGE u FINS-u  17. i 18. maja  boravili su članovi Međunarodnog savetodavnog odbora koji čine  visokoprofilisani eksperti u oblasti istraživanja, inovacija i transfera tehnologije iz vodećih evropskih institucija kao što su: Teagasc Food Research Centre, Irska; C.E.B.A.S. -C.S.I.C., Španija, Fakultet za menadžment, Varšava, Poljska i Institut za molekularnu medicinu João Lobo Antunes, Lisbon, Portugal.

Transformacija Instituta, menadžment, strategija, dizajn i sprovođenje reformi, ljudski resursi, izgradnja kapaciteta, bile su neke od tema dvodnevnih sastanaka. Sastancima  su pored istraživača i rukovodstva FINS-a prisustvovali i međunarodni i nacionalni Institucionalni konsultant angažovani kao pomoć pri sprovođenju aktivnosti predviđenih Planom transformacije Instituta.

As part of the SAIGE project, members of the International Advisory Board visited FINS on May 17 and 18. The International Advisory Board consists of high-profile experts in research, innovation, and technology transfer from leading European institutions such as Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ireland; C.E.B.A.S. -C.S.I.C., Spain, Faculty of Management, Warsaw, Poland and Joao Lobo Antunes Institute of Molecular Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal.

The Transformation Plan of the Institute, management, strategy, design and implementation of reforms, human resources, and capacity building were some of the topics of the two-day meetings. In addition to the researchers and management of FINS, the meetings were attended by an International (IIC) and national Institutional consultant (NIC) engaged to support the implementation of the  FINS Institute’s Transformation Plan.

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