Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je na Naučnom institutu za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu uspešno obavljena obuka iz senzorske analize hrane i testiranje čula za kandidate iz Froneri Adriatic d.o.o., Stari Banovci, Stara Pazova. Obuka je obuhvatila osnovne principe, značaj i primenu senzorske analize hrane, pružajući mogućnost učesnicima da unaprede svoje veštine i doprinesu …
CoCOI FoodTech: Co-Creation of Open Innovation in Food Technology, projekat Naučnog instituta za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu (FINS), podržan kroz prvi REINFORCING otvoreni poziv se uspešno privodi kraju. Projekat je doneo nov pristup naučnom istraživanju, promovišući otvorenu nauku, odgovorno i inkluzivno društveno istraživanje i otvorene inovacije (engl: Open and Responsible Research and Innovation; ORRI), …
Prošle nedelje, tim za senzorsku analizu FINS-a je u kompaniji Bambi uspešno organizovao obuku pod nazivom OSNOVE SENZORSKE NAUKE: Uvod u senzorsku analizu hrane, namenjenu za više od 30 zaposlenih. Tokom obuke, učesnici su se upoznali sa osnovnim teorijskim i praktičnim aspektima senzorske analize hrane, uključujući testiranje čula i procenu njihove osetljivosti. Ovaj događaj je odličan primer …
IMPRESS team presented our concept for development of spread from underutilized freshwater fish at Fair Food Vision in Belgrade! 🌿💡 The preliminary design of the spreads are the result of collaborative efforts between scientists, industry experts, and consumers. Together, we’re unlocking the potential of sustainable and underutilized resources to inspire new solutions for the food …
Observation and tasting of the cookies assortment on Serbian market with addition of sour cherry was in the focus of the CheTea3D team members in the past month. This way, valuable information was gathered for the future business plan development. This research was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #12928, Advanced …
Научни институт за прехрамбене технологије (ФИНС) позива све заинтересоване студенте прве године докторских академских студија на Отворена врата поводом Осмог позива талентованим младим истраживачима – студентима докторских академских студија за укључивање у научноистраживачки рад у акредитованим научноистраживачким организацијама, који је расписало Министарство науке, технолошког развоја и иновација. Детаљније о условима конкурса на сајту Министарства науке, …
Attending the event European IP Helpdesk EU-13 Roadshow titled „Empowering Innovation: The Strategic Value of IP“ on 24 October 2024 at the Science and Technology park Novi Sad was a great opportunity to gather more information and gain knowledge on protection of intellectual property rights which is of great importance for the Proof of concept …
The first results of the of the CheTea3D project dealing with the characterization of the sour cherry pomace were presented at FoodTech congress held from 16th to 18th October in Novi Sad. Participants from more than 20 countries were able to familiarize with the CheTea3D project’s aim and preliminary results related to sour cherry pomace …
❓ What happened in Gijón? On the 2nd and 3rd of October 2024, the vibrant city of Gijón hosted an exciting event for the future of food systems management! 🚀 Collaboration and Progress at the ALLIANCE Plenary Meeting! 🤝 Our colleagues, Dr. Tatjana Peulić and Nikola Maravić, recently attended a consortium plenary meeting hosted by …
Join us to view and discuss our research in Novi Sad from 16th to 18th October. This research was supported by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, #12928, Advanced formulation of sour cherry pomace-based tea cookies: Integrating nutritional enhancement and 3D printing – CheTea3D. Придружите нам се како бисте видели наше резулзате и …