Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu bio je 4. i 5. aprila domaćin PEKARIJADE, najvećeg nacionalnog takmičenja za najboljeg profesionalnog pekara i najboljeg budućeg mladog pekara (koji se tek školuju za ovo zanimanje). Takmičari su pokazali veliko znanje i umešnost u izradi pica, štrudli, bureka, hleba i umetničkog dela. Takmičenje PEKARIJADA se odvijalo …
If you are looking to enhance your problem-solving skills, collaborate with individuals from various disciplines and countries, or aspire to be one of the leaders of tomorrow, it is time to strengthen your innovation capacity. We are thrilled to present the InterHEI Youth Entrepreneurship Program, supported by EITFood.eu. This program provides an excellent opportunity to …
Regular monthly meeting of the H2020CROPDIVA team from FINS, presentation of vegan spread savory and sweet prototypes.
Protein extraction techniques vary depending on the source of the starting material, the location of the protein of interest within the cell, and the downstream application. The H2020CROPDIVA team from FINS isolates proteins from high protein underutilised crops. Further steps are their characterization and application into bakery products and spreads.
FINS team is happy to announce that Phase 1 of InterHEI project was successfully finished and approved by EIT Food. We are thrilled to begin with Phase 2A and organization of 2 Workshops in 2023 in order to enhance understanding of innovation ecosystem and innovation capacities importance among research and academic staff of participating HEIs. …
Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu trenutno je domaćin studentkinji doktorskih studija Sheyli Arango u okviru stipendije za mobilnost internacionalnih studenata doktorskih studija Univerziteta u Padovi, Departman za biomedicinu i hranu. Tokom svog tromesečnog boravka u Institutu, Sheyla će imati priliku da nauči nove metode u oblasti tehnologije hrane pod mentorstvom dr Jovane Kojić.
Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu ugostio je 7. februara 2023. godine učenike Tehničke škole “Pavle Savić” iz Novog Sada i učenike srednjih škola iz Portugala i Poljske, koji su partneri Erazmus+ projekta sa nazivom: “Science for Earth“, kojim rukovodi profesorka mr Jasna M. Čordaš. Za vreme boravka u našem Institutu, učenici su …
Institute of Food Technology FINS is hosting Ph.D. student Sheyla Arango for mobility within the framework of scholarships for international doctoral students of the University of Padua, Department of Biomedicine and Food Science. During her 3 months stay at FINS, Sheyla will have the opportunity to learn new methods in the field of food technology …
Обавештавамо Вас да је Министарство науке, технолошког развоја и иновација, 25.01.2023. године расписало Јавни позив за учешће у средствима Министарства у 2023. години за 14 програмских активности. У оквиру овог јавног позива објављен је и 23. јавни позив за доделу стипендија студентима докторских академских студија на високошколским установама чији је оснивач Република Србија који се …
From the 4th to the 6th of December 2023, CROPDIVA welcomes guests from all over the world for its first international symposium. Partners from 12 different countries, 27 different universities, companies and organisations relocate to the St. Peter’s Abbey in Ghent (Belgium) to discuss the general topic of Agrobiodiversity along the value chain.