Naše kolege Aleksandra Mišan, Vojislav Banjac i Milica Pojić upravo su se vratili sa drugog godišnjeg sastanka IMPRESS projekta i sa sobom doneli mnogo inspirativnih ideja! Milica Pojić, rukovodilac radnog paketa, predstavila je uzbudljive planove za istraživanja koja predstoje u narednom periodu. Svoja iskustva o ulozi Naučni institut za prehrambene tehnologije u Novom Sadu u …
Poljoprivredni sajam u Novom Sadu već više od devet decenija privlači pojedince, privredne, poslovne, političke delegacije i stvara kreativan ambijent za nove poduhvate. U velikoj sali master centra 21.5.2024. godine biće održan DAN DOBAVLJAČA, AGROBIZNIS 2024 u okviru koga će istraživači Instituta održati prezentaciju „Novi trendovi u prehrambenoj industriji“.
REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN for the FoodTech 2024 Congress,in Novi Sad, Serbia, at the Hotel Sheraton from October 16th to 18th. Embrace this year’s congress motto „Science today, technology tomorrow.“ Don’t miss your chance to benefit from early registration fees. For more information and registration details, please visit our website: www.foodtech.uns.ac.rs We look forward to …
At a recent event specially tailored by Danish fish feed producer AllerAqua and hosted by FINS, our colleague Vojislav Banjac, WP3 task leader, introduced the IMPRESS project to Kristian Jensen, Global Technical Manager of Aller Aqua and to the other colleagues of this company. 🐟💼 IMPRESS aims to revolutionize the way we approach fish feed …
It’s time for students to embark on their journey toward developing essential business and management skills, paving their way into the world of entrepreneurship. Enrolling in the Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) represents a golden opportunity for precisely this reason! YEP is an innovative training program designed for those eager to explore business opportunities within the …
Earlier this month, our colleagues Bojana and Milica had the opportunity to attend the #InterHEI project meeting. Although the project is nearing completion, ideas about supporting entrepreneurship in the academic sector are still new and innovative. Thank you #LoyolaUniversity for the warm hospitality, and other partners for the valuable collaboration and inspiring ideas. Početkom ovog …
Министарство науке, технолошког развоја и иновација дана 13.03.2024. године расписало је Седми позив за укључење талентованих младих истраживача – студената докторских студија у научноистраживачки рад НИО. Tекст Позива и пријаве могу се могу преузети са сајта Министарства www.nitra.gov.rs на адреси: https://nitra.gov.rs/cir/ministarstvo/vesti/sedmi-poziv-talentovanim-mladim-istrazivacima—studentima-doktorskih-akademskih-studija-za-uklucivane-u-naucnoistrazivacki-rad-u-akreditovanim-naucnoistrazivackim-organizacijama
Komisija za dodelu privremenog smeštaja u Domu za nastavno-naučni i umetnički podmladak Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, na sednici održanoj dana 11. marta 2024. godine, donela je ODLUKU o dodeli privremenog smeštaja u Domu za nastavno-naučni i umetnički podmladak Univerziteta u Novom Sadu za apartmane za koje pravo korišćenja prestaje u periodu od 1. aprila 2024. …
The Organizing Committee of the 58th International Congress of Americanists (ICA) warmly welcomes the world academic community and extends a most cordial invitation for the participation in the 58th ICA edition to be held at the University of Novi Sad (Serbia) from 30 June to 4 July 2025. We must point out that, in addition …
Alongside the pilot plant opportunities for producing innovative animal feed, during the recent visit of the Minister of Science, Technology Development, and Innovation, we showcased our ambitious plans for developing alternative protein-based fish feed within the IMPRESS project. We appreciate the inspiring conversation and Minister’s support! 🐟🌱 Pored mogućnosti pilota za proizvodnju inovativne hrane za …